
Imerys: Case Study


Imerys are one of the world’s leading suppliers of specialty minerals for industrial production. Working all around the globe, from Spain to New Zealand, Imerys are producing and processing the minerals used for manufacturing across a range of key industries, including construction, automation, agriculture, and more.

They do important work, and they do it the right way, with a huge commitment to sustainability and fighting climate change across all aspects of their company.

Since 2013, Imerys have been working with Suresense, for energy efficient, cost-effective solutions in a key area for their business.

Lighting Installation: Eluma

Like a huge proportion of businesses, one of the areas in which Imerys were losing energy – and money – was through lighting. Inefficient lighting is a major problem across a wide variety of sectors; traditional systems have simply become outdated, yet many companies don’t realise how much energy lighting can account for.

Our Eluma LED solution is an innovative answer to a few of the costly – in both financial and environmental terms – problems caused by inefficient lighting. Using energy to light instead of heat, unlike many conventional bulbs, and with an operating life of 100,000 hours, fitting work spaces for Imerys with Eluma LEDs was one of our first priorities.

Lighting Installation: Atmos

Do you know why so much light goes to waste each year? Often, it’s down to human error: we simply forget to switch them on or off, or to adjust the ambience under different levels of natural light. It’s a small thing – but often, the buildings are large, the lights are high in number, and the hours pile up. So, when working with Imerys, we installed Eluma lighting with our Atmos technology incorporated. This is intelligent lighting like you haven’t seen before.

This meant that all of the newly installed lighting installed for Imerys had its intelligent sensor, capable not only of monitoring and reacting to occupancy through passive Infra-red, but also responding automatically to ambient light changes and adjusting accordingly.


  • Daylight harvesting sensors to ensure proficient lighting levels are always reached between natural and artificial lighting
  • Improved lighting conditions and visibility with better light levels, maximising productivity at work
  • Intelligent occupancy sensors to switch off lights if no activity is detected

Results so far

Across the Imerys portfolio, multiple projects have been undertaken for various reasons and benefits. The Eluma and Atmos solutions included in these projects have generated some fantastic results so far.

  • Energy saving of 85%
  • ROI of less than 18 months
  • Improved light levels for employees
  • 11+ year lifetime of bulbs, saving massive amounts on maintenance costs

It’s been a fantastic few years working with Imerys, and we’re proud to be a part of their commitment to energy efficiency, and their mission in continually becoming a more sustainable company. We’re looking forward to seeing what the future holds.

Visit the Suresense Technologies Ltd website for more information on Imerys: Case Study


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