  • 2 Bay Garage with Room Above - Bedford (Attic) - with Staircase

  • 2 Bay Garage with Side Office - Gable End - Bedford (High Pitch)

  • 2 Bay Garage with Workshop and Raised Eaves Room Above - Bedford (Attic)

  • 2 Bay Garage with Workshop and Raised Eaves Room Above - Bedford (Attic)

  • 3 Bay Carport with Room Above - Cheshire (Attic) - With External Staircase and Dormers

  • 3 Bay Carport with Room Above - Cheshire (Attic) - With External Staircase and Dormers

  • 3 Bay Carport with Room Above - Cheshire (Attic) - With External Staircase and Roof Lights

  • 3 Bay Carport with Room Above - Cheshire (Attic) - With External Staircase and Roof Lights

  • 3 Bay Garage Raised Eaves Room Above - Berkshire (Attic)

  • 3 Bay Garage Raised Eaves Room Above - Berkshire (Attic)

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