
Testimonial - The Guernsey Gang


"We purchased a twin milker and started using it after all our goats had kidded. Excellent for first kidders, no bucking etc... We have been milking by hand for about 12 years and now have 12 milkers and aching wrists! To begin with we were all fingers and thumbs with the machinery but as with anything trial and error found the best way for us and the goats. The machines noise starts the goat to begin with but after a week or so the noise actually made them let their milk down! We clean the teats as usual, and take off the fore milk. We first started putting the suction cups on the goat from the side as we had always milked from the side by hand but found this twisted the udder and the goat did not like the tubes touching her legs, so we went in from behind the goat, between the back legs, they seem happier like this and it is easier to put them on and off. To begin with you are not sure when it has finished milking but after a while you notice the milk is not pouring out of the end of the tube into the can. We then take off the cups and strip out the last milk. Taking off the cups, by bending the tube over to momentarily stop suction. Before the goat leaves, apply teat dip. With the twin milker, we are able to get one goat on and milking, leave it milking while we get the other ready, you soon get into a rhythm and before you know it each goat is milked out while you are moving the next goat up onto the stand. After milking we empty the can through a filter and put the milk to cold storage. The can goes back on the machine and we then get four buckets of water. 3 cold 1 hot. 1st suck through plain cold water by moving the valves on the side of the cups to the opposite position to milking. Tip can out. First rinse takes off residue milk. 2nd suck through hot water with dairy cleanser added. Stop machine and take off lid. Clean around the can with bottle brush or scourer, including lid. Tip out can. 3rd suck through cold water with hypochloride added. Tip out can. 4th suck through plain cold water, to rinse. Tip out can. Milking done!"

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