
Ecology Services

Here at EcoVigour, our range of ecology services include: Provision of General Ecological Advice and Good Practice Guidance. Habitat and Protected Species Survey Design and Implementation. Protected Species Licensing and Mitigation Design for: Badgers, Bats, Birds, Dormouse, Great Crested Newts, Otters, Reptiles and Water Vole. BREEAM and CSH Assessment and Credit Attainment Advice. Habitat Creation, Enhancement and Management. Delivery of Licensed Mitigation Plans. Supply and Erection of Temporary and Permanent Ecological Fencing. Species Translocation for Reptiles, Great Crested Newt etc. Seed Harvesting. Creation and Installation of Bat Roosts and Bird Boxes and Construction of Purpose Built Bat Houses.

Visit the EcoVigour website for more information on Ecology Services


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