'BECOFLEX' Rotary Scrubber
Begg Cousland's specialization in the field of wet gas filtration has found many applications with a need for efficient solid/gas removal. Now following original research and development, ***we offer the efficient but simple 'Rotary Scrubbing System' under license***. It can be used on its own or in conjunction with a packed bed, atomized spray, or with our high efficiency coalescers and mist eliminators. The brush rotates within a conventional volute fan casing. It is irrigated with the desired amount of water or scrubbing reagent. Particles in the dirty exhaust gas are drawn into the unit, impacted at high speed with the spinning fibers and become thoroughly wetted. The effect is that the particles are centrifugally washed off to impact on the wetted casing surface.Visit the Begg Cousland Envirotec Ltd website for more information on 'BECOFLEX' Rotary Scrubber