
Fuel Flow Meters – A more acceptable measurement solution


All is not totally lost in this diesel flow measurement application as an acceptable metering system can be achieved in one of 2 ways. The first involves a complete fuel system re-build and therefore is not usually practical. With this method a second tank (see schematic below) is installed to receive the return fuel and no attempt is made to measure it. The engine draws fuel from this secondary tank and it is supplied fresh metered fuel from a main reservoir. The single flowmeter is only measuring the fuel supplied to the secondary tank and has therefore has to have the ability to meter the consumption over the whole range of the engine. Great care has to taken to ensure that the fuel temperature does not rise excessively hence a return flow intercooler is required as is a substantial tank volume to ensure that there is no foaming and the fuel is not too hot for the engine fuel system as this will reduce horsepower. This can be an accurate method of measurement but it is not usually practical.

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