
PPM News - February 2024


February 2024 News February proved a very busy time for our production department completing many analyser and bespoke builds. New orders were also received for a number of UK and international projects. A further purchase order was placed for our Proam analyser destined for a project in Severn Trent Water to measure final effluent quality. Additionally, Wessex Water purchased a new pH monitoring system for a waste water treatment facility. Two separate UK international Airports also placed orders for our Protoc TOC analyser technology with Paper Band Filtration to measure surface water quality discharge which can be affected by de-icing activities during winter months. Both Airport sites will require the instrumentation to be pre-mounted onto PVC wall panels, so these can be simply integrated into existing site structures. More to follow once the build has been completed and the installations have been commissioned. Many new water quality measurement installations were also commissioned during February, including five final effluent turbidity monitoring stations in the NE of England. We also supplied a further portable UVT instrument for an international project in Turkey.

Visit the Pollution & Process Monitoring Ltd website for more information on PPM News - February 2024


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