
PPM News - June 2024


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June 2024 News

June continued to be a busy period for new purchase orders and instrument builds.

We supplied a number of UVT instruments to three different UK water companies, using the instrumentation to verify their UV treatment process. A water treatment contractor also purchased two portable UVT instruments for calibration of on-line instruments used to regulate the treatment process.

Wessex Water purchased a pH and conductivity monitoring system which included installation by PPM into a small GRP enclosure. We also commenced a larger kiosk build, for a cider manufacturer discharging to a local water course. The installation includes our Protoc 300 TOC analyser ranged 0-100mg/L with membrane filtration to provide continuous water quality, compliance measurement.

Internationally, we received an order for two Protoc TOC analysers with a Spyder touch screen controller-display, from our Irish distributor.

Additionally, our Chinese distributor also placed a further order for six Proam analysers, used to control aerobic digestion within the waste-water treatment process.

Visit the Pollution & Process Monitoring Ltd website for more information on PPM News - June 2024


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