
Using self-generated energy flexibly and at any time The Fronius world of storage solutions is growing


Using self-generated energy flexibly and at any time The Fronius world of storage solutions is growing In 2018, Fronius Solar Energy will be launching yet more powerful solutions for storing solar energy, including a new Fronius Energy Package. This comprises an inverter, the Fronius Checkbox and a storage unit from LG – the ideal solution for price- and quality-conscious system owners. Fronius is also continuing its research in the field of energy sector integration, and plans to commission a pilot system in which green hydrogen will be generated from solar energy in the second quarter of 2018. In order to make the vision of 24 hours of sun – a future in which 100% of the world’s energy needs are covered by renewable sources – a reality, system owners must be able to store solar energy efficiently, thus making it usable at any time. Fronius’s range of storage units offers tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of the customer. “We provide users with a wide range of options and supply them with a system that meets their exact requirements,” explains Martin Hackl, Head of the Business Unit Solar Energy at Fronius International GmbH. The Fronius Ohmpilot consumption regulator for hot water preparation is an affordable first step into the Fronius world of storage units. This intelligent energy management solution uses surplus energy to activate and coordinate consumers such as heating elements, heat pumps or infra-red heaters.

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