
Fronius: cost effectiveness is part of the solar energy strategy


Fronius: cost effectiveness is part of the solar energy strategy For companies, a photovoltaic system is a profitable investment. One prerequisite is that the components are correctly designed and selected. Fronius Solar Energy knows from its many years of experience how costs can be reduced and what is relevant to efficient energy generation. In addition, the solar experts provide added value in terms of service and support. For the use of photovoltaics (PV) to be especially profitable in the commercial sector, planners need to think through the system concept, from purchasing right through to long-term operation. With its solutions, Fronius is also making a significant contribution to the vision of 24 hours of sun within the commercial sector. For this, besides the reliable and profitable generation of solar energy, a reduction in the balance-of-system costs plays a particularly important role. These costs relate to all of the components of a photovoltaic system, with the exception of the photovoltaic modules, and make up a significant proportion of the total investment. Fronius sees great potential savings in the AC/DC cabling and distributor boxes in particular, depending on the system design and the inverters. In addition, simpler and more rapid installation is another cost factor.

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