
Complete solution from a single source


Sulzer Mixpac AG relies on battery charging technology and know-how from Fronius in intralogistics. In addition to the innovative Ri charging process, the standards-compliant charging and safety modules were the deciding factors. The new charging stations attracted significant attention across the entire Sulzer group and as “top improvements” were recommended internally for selection as flagship project of the year. In order to be able to handle the increasing flow of goods in the future, Sulzer Mixpac was looking for a supplier who understands the requirements of modern intralogistics and can offer complete system solutions for battery charging. . In addition, demanding parameters had to be fulfilled: charging technology that prevents battery damage, safe charging operation, a flexible charging process, user-friendliness, energy efficiency and investment protection, to name the most important. The new charging station approach is going down very well with the forklift drivers. It makes it easier for employees to keep track of things and maintain order. Sandro Zoa is impressed with the performance of the new chargers: “Due to the high total efficiency our energy costs are dropping by 20 to 30 percent. Our forklifts can also be driven for a significantly longer period, which relieves our operating costs”.

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