
Off Site Soil Treatment

Our Biogenie-EnGlobe soil treatment facilities are a joint venture partnered with Biffa waste services, the leading nationwide integrated waste management business which provides collection, treatment, recycling and technologically-driven energy generation services. These facilities allow us to provide our clients with a cost and risk management tool, the off-site treatment of their hazardous soils and wastes across the UK. Our facilities mean materials classified, by WAC testing, as hazardous can be treated here. Following treatment these materials are then re-used beneficially for restoration and landscaping, rather than unsustainable disposal to landfill. The service is exempt from landfill tax, which delivers significant cost savings as well as a sustainable, fully compliant option for our clients. We have same day waste authorisations and complete visibility and transparency, which makes it easy for you to demonstrate you have fulfilled your Duty of Care responsibilities.

Visit the Celtic-EnGlobe Ltd website for more information on Off Site Soil Treatment


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  • Gas Scrubbing

  • Biofiltration

  • Vapour Phase Carbon Adsorption

  • Oxidation