
World’s first 3D printed office

Dubai’s 6m x 12m “Printer” Using an automated robotic arm to extrude a mixture of cement and additives, this single story office was printed using a 6m high, 12m wide and 37m long platform. Chinese Pioneering Partnership According to BIM+, the office was created by WinSun Global, the international division of China’s 3D printing pioneer WinSun, in partnership with global architecture firm Gensler, London-based structural engineer Thornton Thomasetti, and New York-based consultant Syska Hennessy. Using Future Technology Today Dubai’s prime minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said “This is an experience we present to the world on utilising future technology in people’s lives. It also represents a new milestone for the UAE as a global leader in strategic achievements.” Offices, Exhibition & Workshops Described for BIM+ by Tom Ravenscroft as a 250 sq m structure in the grounds of the Emirates Towers, the building will be the temporary headquarters of the Dubai Future Foundation, which recently threw its weight behind a contest to design a virtual reality hyperloop. It contains offices and two multi-use spaces for exhibitions and workshops, has been described as the world’s first fully functional 3D printed building. Fast Track 17 Day Build The structure of the building took 17 days to print, after which the internal and external finishes were added, and two days to assemble on site. According to Dubai’s official news agency WAM, even electricity, water, telecommunications and air-conditioning systems have been realised with the help of 3D printing. 3D Printing Strategy The office looks set to be the first of many 3D printed buildings to be built in Dubai. Last month, prime minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum announced that Dubai plans to print 25% of its buildings by 2030 as part of its 3D Printing Strategy. R&D Case Study According to Sheikh Mohammed, Dubai sees this project as a case study that will benefit regulators as well as research and development centres at the regional and international levels on real application of 3D printing technology. They are documenting this experience and building on it to take advantage of the most important lessons, which will serve as reference points to take this technology to new levels.

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